D.C. Dictionary: The Diner Slang Dictionary
Random Diner Slang
Displaying 1 - 10 out of 10 results
- Crowd:
- three of anything (possibly from the saying "Two's company, three's a crowd")
- Bailed hay:
- shredded wheat
- Hemorrhage:
- tomato ketchup
- Adam & Eve on a raft:
- two poached eggs on toast
- Coney Island:
- a hot dog, so called because hot dogs were popularly associated with the stands on Coney Island. -Synonyms: Coney Island chicken
- On the hoof:
- any kind of meat, cooked rare
- Axle grease:
- butter -Synonyms: Cow paste or Skid Grease
- Love Apples:
- tomatoes
- Bronx vanilla:
- garlic -Synonyms: Halitosis, Italian Garlic
- Customer will take a chance:
- hash